All electrical installations deteriorate with age an use, they should therefore be inspected and tested at appropriate intervals to check whether they are in a satisfactory condition for continued service. Such safety checks are commonly referred to ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION CONDITION REPORTS.
- Reveals if any of the electrical circuits or equipment are overloaded
- Find any potential electrical shock risks and fire hazards
- Identify any defective electrical work
- Highlights any lack of earthing or earth bonding.
Tests are often carried out on wiring and fixed electrical equipment to check that they are safe, a schedule of circuits is also provided which is invaluable for a property.
Your circuit should be tested every –
- 10 years for an owner – occupied home
- 5 years for a rented property
- 3 years for a caravan
- 1 year for swimming pools
Other times an ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION CONDITION REPORT should be carried out are
- When a property is being prepared for letting
- Before selling a property or buying a previously occupied property
At Fortnums we can assure you of the very best service when undertaking your ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION CONDITION REPORT and on completion provide you with appropriate forms in accordance with UK Standards of the Safety of Electrical Installation BS7671 – requirements for electrical installation (IEE Wiring Regulations)